Wednesday, October 11, 2017

2017 Activities and Florida Plan

In July, we attended the big Airstream Rally in Escanaba, MI'  Unfortunately, before the rally, I fell and (unknown to me at the time) Crushed my L-4 Vertebra. During the rally the pain went from bearable to unbearable. When we got home a hospitalist misdiagnoses of the X-ray which lead him to prescribe Prednisone, for a non-acute injury. This caused onset of  type 2 diabetes. Four days later, further injections in the emergancy room lead to  neuropathy in both feet and an impacted bowel. The next day the new doctor did  an MRI, which lead to proper diagnosis and open back surgery on August 29th.  They fused L4 to L5 with SS plates and cadaver spacer. Three months of rehab and we will go to Florida in December.  Need to get diabetes under control and body back in shape.  We will not be taking the Airstream to Florida this year.


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